
Negotiations on ceasefire in Gaza continue in Paris

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Negotiations continue in Paris on a ceasefire in Gaza and the release of more than 100 hostages, as Israel threatens to attack Rafah if a truce is not reached.

Negotiations on a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip continue in Paris.

This was reported by Reuters, according to UNN.


Peace talks continue in Paris, aimed at reaching a potential ceasefire agreement and the release of more than 100 hostages kidnapped in October and held by Hamas.

The talks began with the head of Israel's Mossad intelligence service, who met separately with representatives of Qatar, Egypt, and the United States.

A Hamas official said that the ceasefire talks in Cairo have ended and the results of the mediators negotiating with Israel are now expected.

Mediators have intensified their efforts to achieve peace in the Gaza Strip, as there is a threat of an Israeli attack on the city of Rafah.


Israel has said it may launch an attack if a ceasefire agreement is not reached. However, Washington urged Israel to refrain from this step, emphasizing the possible huge civilian casualties if the attack on the city continues

Війна Ізраїлю та ХАМАС: переговори про припинення вогню продовжили на 3 дні14.02.24, 09:39


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