
General Staff: Russians advance in six directions, most intense fighting continues in Avdiivka and Novopavlivka

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On Monday, Ukrainian troops repelled 63 Russian attacks in six sectors, most of them in Avdiivka.

Since the beginning of the day, 63 combat engagements took place in the Ukrainian frontline. Russians are storming the positions of our defenders in six areas. Mostly in the Avdiivka and Novopavlivka sectors. This was reported by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine , according to UNN.

Within the last day, 63 combat engagements took place. In total, the enemy launched 5 missile and 44 air strikes, fired 68 times from multiple launch rocket systems at the positions of our troops and populated areas.

- the General Staff of the Armed Forces summarized.


In the Kupyansk sector, the enemy attacked the positions of our defenders near Synkivka  in the Kharkiv region. There were six attacks there on Monday.

In the Liman sector, our soldiers repelled a Russian attack near Terny, Donetsk region. The General Staff added that the enemy tried to break through the defense of our troops by attacking with the support of aviation. However, it was unsuccessful.

In the Bakhmut sector, Ukrainian Armed Forces repelled three more occupants' attacks near Andriyivka, where the enemy was trying to improve its tactical position

На Таврійському напрямку втрат рубежів, районів та позицій не допущено - Тарнавський04.03.24, 14:59

In the Avdiivka sector, our defenders withstood the most attacks on Monday. The invaders tested their positions 21 times. In particular,  Russian attacks were repelled near Novoselivka, Berdychiv, Tonenke, Pervomaiske and Nevelske.

In the Novopavlivka sector, Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to hold back the enemy in the areas of Heorhiivka, Novomykhailivka, Vodiane, Prechystivka and Urozhayne in Donetsk region. On Monday, the enemy tried to break through the defense of our troops 16 times with the support of aviation.

росіяни сьогодні вчергове вдарили по Херсону, пошкодили заклад освіти - МВА04.03.24, 16:59

In the Kherson sector, the enemy does not abandon its intention to drive our units from their footholds on the left bank of the Dnipro. During the day, there were two assaults by Russians. Ukrainian soldiers repelled them.


It is noted that on Monday, the aviation of the defense forces struck 8 strikes on the areas of concentration of personnel and one on the ground control station of the enemy UAV.

Над Дніпровським районом збили ворожу ракету Х-5904.03.24, 15:43

Missile troops also hit one area of concentration of Russian personnel, one air defense system and 6 enemy artillery pieces on Monday.


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