Report through "PR" cases: NABU in Rada should report on the efficiency of using its resources - MP

Report through "PR" cases: NABU in Rada should report on the efficiency of using its resources - MP

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 10 2024, 01:31 PM  •  115400 views

NABU should report to the Verkhovna Rada Committee on anti-corruption policy on the effectiveness of using its resources and powers, as there are concerns about its effectiveness.

NABU should report on the effectiveness of using the resources and powers provided to it at the Verkhovna Rada Committee on anti-corruption policy. This opinion was expressed in an exclusive comment UNN by MP Alexey Kucherenko.

I have absolutely no objection to hearing a report on the work of this respected organization. How did it solve the tasks assigned to it in the time that was allocated and for the resources that were allocated

- says Alexey Kucherenko.

The MP noted that he had applied to the NABU several times with statements about a crime, but received only formal and, in his opinion, unfounded answers.

"The latest scandal with information leaks, with leaks.that is, I would first of all like to hear about efficiency. There is also a very large staff – the powers are large, that's how effectively they used the powers? I respect them, I am in favor of having powerful law enforcement agencies, but I want efficiency. Where are the landings? Where are the real cases? Therefore, I don't see any warnings, we need to do everything calmly and professionally and not invent stories about some kind of political persecution," Kucherenko added.


MP Anatoly Burmich , in a comment to UNN, said that in the near future the Anti-Corruption Committee of the Rada will hear a report on the work of the NABU.

It should be noted that one of the last high - profile cases of NABU and SAPO is the accusation of the minister of Agricultural Policy Mykola Solsky of seizing land in the Sumy region, which, according to investigators, belonged to the National Agrarian Academy.

However, as it turned out later, Solsky did not take possession of any land, it was privatized by the ATO participants under the state program. Solsky at that time was a lawyer (seven years ago), and provided legal assistance to Atoshniki. 

And the version that this land belonged to the naan remains only the version of detectives, since the naan itself cannot provide documents confirming their right to use the disputed land. Moreover, they admit that they do not have such documents. 

Nevertheless, the high-profile accusations of NABU led to significant consequences. In addition to the fact that Solsky left his post and the strategic Ministry of agricultural policy is now virtually without a head - against the background of NABU statements the poles withdrew from negotiations on unblocking the border for Ukrainian farmers. The last time the Polish and Ukrainian sides met was in March, and then they stated a "step forward" in the negotiations. However, in April, because of the NABU case, the poles reset the negotiations and again threaten to block them. 

According to some experts, the NABU could have deliberately played along with the poles and played such a card against the Ukrainians.