On January 7, warm and moderately cloudy weather is expected in Ukraine. In many regions there will be partly cloudy weather without precipitation. This is reported by the Ukrainian Weather Center, UNN reports.
In the capital, the daytime temperature will fluctuate between 7-9°C, with partly cloudy skies, but no rain or snow. The situation is similar in the western regions. In Lviv, the temperature will rise to 9-11°C, and in Dnipro - to 7-9°C. In the southwest of the country, Odesa will also have daytime temperatures in the range of 9-11°C, which will create comfortable conditions for being outside.
Kharkiv and Donetsk will experience more cloudy weather with clearings, with temperatures around 5-7°C, no rain. In Luhansk, the temperature will be slightly lower - from 4 to 6°C, also without significant precipitation.
Simferopol, as well as most of the southern Crimea, will have the warmest weather on this day, with temperatures in the range of 11-13°C and partly cloudy skies.
Throughout the country, the daytime temperature will be comfortable for walking and staying outdoors. The average daytime temperature in Ukraine will be around 7-9°C.
Погода в Україні на 6 січня: де очікувати мокрого снігу та дощів06.01.25, 07:54