
Republicans won't vote for international aid package until US border security measures are approved

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Speaker of the US House of Representatives Mike Johnson said he has no immediate plans to vote on a package of international aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan. The politician's statement is quoted by Voice of America, reports UNN.

The Senate will not be able to force us to act because the last document they sent us does not contain a single word or bill on the American border. 

 - Johnson said.  


Johnson reiterated his position that any package of international military and humanitarian aid should also include measures to secure the US border with Mexico. He called the bill to strengthen U.S. border security, which the House of Representatives passed a few months ago, "landmark." However, this document was not approved in the Senate, where Democrats have a majority.

"We are going to continue to demand that before solving problems around the world, we take care of our own," the speaker emphasized.

The Voice of America emphasizes that in January, Johnson and the Republicans had already rejected a draft law that included both assistance to Ukraine and border security measures. Then the Senate found a solution and approved international support for partners in a separate bill.

Johnson also said he wants to have a personal meeting with US President Joe Biden "to talk about the border and national security.

"Увесь світ спостерігатиме": голова МЗС Британії закликав Конгрес США проголосувати за пакет допомоги Україні14.02.24, 13:47


In a commentary to Reuters, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg reiterated the call to U.S. lawmakers that he and a number of other Western leaders had previously made. The call is simple: approve additional funding for the next aid packages to Ukraine, as it is an investment in the security of the entire world.

I expect the House of Representatives to approve support for Ukraine, because it's not charity, it's an investment in our own security,  We really share the burden of supporting Ukraine on both sides of the Atlantic. If you add economic and military support, the European allies and Canada actually provide more support than the United States. But, of course, U.S. support remains vital, and so it's vital that the U.S. House of Representatives passes a package for Ukraine.

Глава НАТО: після критики з боку Трампа Європа заявила про готовність інвестувати в оборону 2% ВВП щорічно14.02.24, 18:46

For reference

The aid bill in question includes, as reported in the media, $61 billion for Ukraine, $14 billion for Israel in its war against Hamas, and $4.83 billion to support partners in the Indo-Pacific region, including Taiwan, and to deter Chinese aggression.

It also provides $9.15 billion in humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza, the West Bank, Ukraine and other conflict zones around the world.


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