
NATO develops alternative routes to deliver US troops to the eastern flank in case of war with russia - General

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NATO is developing several "land corridors" for the transfer of American troops and armored vehicles to the front line in the event of a major European ground war with russia.

NATO is developing duplicate routes to deliver American troops and equipment to the Eastern Front in case of war with russia. This was stated by the head of the Joint Logistics and auxiliary command of NATO, German General Alexander Salfrang, to the newspaper The Telegraph, reports UNN.


The general said that the Alliance is laying several alternative routes for delivering American troops and equipment to the countries of the eastern flank in the event of a conflict with russia. According to him, American soldiers can land at one of the five ports and follow pre-planned logistics routes.

The main route, he said, runs from the major port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands by rail through Germany to Poland. However, NATO fears that this route may be disrupted in the event of russian attacks on Rotterdam or other ports in Northern Europe.

НАТО має лише 5% ППО, необхідної для захисту східного флангу - FT30.05.24, 17:11

Salfrank admits that NATO may not have enough air defense systems to cover all logistics hubs.

We watched russia attack logistics bases in Ukraine. This should lead to the conclusion that it is clear that large logistics bases, as we knew them from Afghanistan and Iraq, are no longer possible, because they will be attacked and destroyed at a very early stage of the conflict situation. As for air defense, it is always not enough. I can't imagine a situation where there are enough air defense systems

Solfrank said.

Now, according to him, NATO's planning is focused on laying emergency routes for the transportation of troops and equipment: if the ports of Northern Europe fail, it is planned to use ports in Italy, Greece and Turkey.

From Italy, troops are planned to be transferred through Slovenia and Croatia to Hungary, which also borders Ukraine, and from Greece and Turkey - through Bulgaria to Romania.


The general's comment comes amid warnings from the Alliance's top leadership that Western governments should prepare for a conflict with russia over the next two decades.

Logistics routes have become a key priority after NATO leaders at a summit in Vilnius last year agreed to train 300,000 troops who will be on high alert to protect the Alliance.

У війні проти Україні знищені російські сили, які базувалися на кольському півострові – головнокомандувач Норвегії04.06.24, 12:04


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