Weather in Ukraine: from wet snow to +11°C-where will it be warmest today
Kyiv • UNN
Cloudy weather is expected in Ukraine with precipitation in the form of rain and sleet, temperatures from -2 to +11°C. It will be warmest in Simferopol, coldest in Dnipro.
Today's weather forecast in Ukraine promises cool, cloudy and rainy weather in many regions of the country. The average daily temperature will fluctuate within +2..+4°C, and moderate rain and sleet are forecast in many areas. This is reported by Ukrhydrometcenter, reports UNN.
In the capital of the country, Kiev will be +1..+3°C, cloudy with light sleet and rain. Lviv will meet the day without significant precipitation at a temperature of 0..+2°C, and the Dnieper will be at 0..-2°C with sleet and rain. Odessa will be slightly warmer - + 8..+10°C with light rain, and Kharkiv will meet +0..+2°C and cloudy weather.
Donetsk and Luhansk will be affected by sleet and rain. The temperature in Donetsk will be +2..+4°C, and in Luhansk – 0..+2°C. Simferopol will have +9..+11°C with clearings, no precipitation.
All regions of Ukraine will have a similar tendency to cloud cover, with rain and sleet in most of the territory.
The Hydrometeorological Center advises you to be careful when traveling, taking into account changeable weather conditions.