Organized events in support of the Russian invasion of Ukraine: Kharkiv region serves notice of suspicion to occupier's accomplice

Organized events in support of the Russian invasion of Ukraine: Kharkiv region serves notice of suspicion to occupier's accomplice

Kyiv  •  UNN

February 5 2024, 09:42 AM  •  21491 views

In Balakliya, Kharkiv region, a local resident cooperated with Russian representatives during the occupation and organised mass events in support of Russia, and now he has been notified of being suspected of collaborating with the occupiers.

During the seizure of the town of Balakliya by the Russian armed forces. Balakliya in the Kharkiv region, a local resident cooperated with the Russian invaders and took the position of the so-called "director of the Balakliya House of Culture": in this capacity, the traitor organized mass events in support of the Russian Federation. Currently, he has been served with a notice of suspicion in absentia, but the traitor is hiding from the Ukrainian investigation on the territory of the aggressor state.

This was reported by UNN with reference to the telegram channel of the Kharkiv Prosecutor's Office.


Prosecutor's Office serves suspicion notice to collaborator who organized events in Balakliya in support of occupiers 

 , the message says.

The investigation established that during the seizure of Balakliya, a local resident who had worked as a technical officer in the house of culture before the full-scale invasion, cooperated with representatives of the Russian Federation - he voluntarily took the position of "director of the Balakliya House of Culture".

It is noted that the collaborator organized cultural events, during which slogans in support of the "SVO" and the Russian Federation were heard.


In particular, on August 27, 2022, he organized, provided all the equipment and personally participated in the celebrations to mark the anniversary of the city's foundation, during which representatives of the Russian "administration" publicly called for support for the occupation of Balakliya by Russian troops. Also on that day, a car, motorcycle and bicycle race was held using the symbols of the Russian Federation.

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According to official information, the accomplice of the Russian invaders is currently hiding from Ukrainian investigators in Russia, but the issue of putting him on the wanted list is being decided. 

As for the suspect, according to the prosecutor's office, the sanction of the article provides for a sentence of imprisonment for a term of ten to twelve years with disqualification to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of ten to fifteen years and with or without confiscation of property.


Three traitors who fought on the side of Russia on the eastern front, including a sniper and a repeat offender from the Russian Sturm-Z battalion, were sentenced to 15 years in prison for high treason and participation in terrorist activities.

Also UNN reported that in Kherson a collaborator who forcibly issued passports to local "privileged" peoplewas detained when the city was controlled by Russian troops.