National security advisers in Doha to discuss Ukraine summit this weekend - Bloomberg

National security advisers in Doha to discuss Ukraine summit this weekend - Bloomberg

Kyiv  •  UNN

April 25 2024, 08:01 AM  •  18797 views

National security advisors and senior officials from around the world will meet in Doha, Qatar, this weekend to discuss plans for a summit on Ukraine's conditions for resolving its conflict with Russia.

National security advisers and senior officials from around the world are set to meet in Doha, Qatar, this weekend to discuss plans for a summit on Ukraine's conditions for a settlement with Russia, Bloomberg reports, citing sources familiar with the matter, UNN reports.


"According to people familiar with the situation, national security advisers and senior officials from around the world are set to meet in Doha this weekend to discuss plans for a summit on Ukraine's conditions for a settlement with Russia," the report said.

The meeting between the G7 and the so-called Global South is part of a round of talks that are preparing the ground for a high-level summit to be hosted by Switzerland in June. Dozens of other Gulf states, the G20, and BRICS, the organization that includes Brazil and India, have participated in some of these meetings. A small meeting was held in December last year.

The list of participants in the meeting in the Qatari capital has not yet been finalized, said the people, who spoke on condition of anonymity. russia has not been invited, and it is unclear whether China will attend, the people said.

Ukraine's allies see China's presence as essential to the success of the summit, given the influence they say Beijing exerts over Moscow. 

Ukraine is said to want the principles of the Ukrainian peace plan to be broadly agreed at a June summit in Switzerland as a preliminary step to any potential talks involving Russia. China is seen as a key participant that gives weight to any agreement, so the question of whether someone from Beijing will appear at this meeting is crucial, the newspaper writes.

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