December 22: Winter Solstice Day, World Orgasm Day

December 22: Winter Solstice Day, World Orgasm Day

Kyiv  •  UNN

December 22 2023, 04:11 AM  •  31149 views

Today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, which coincides with various holidays, including the Day of Power Engineer of Ukraine and the Day of Diplomatic Service of Ukraine, among others.

Today, December 22, is the shortest day of the year - the Day of the of the winter solstice, UNN reports.

Usually, the winter solstice falls on December 21, less often on December 20 or 23. But in the year preceding a leap year, the winter solstice always falls on December 22.

The winter solstice is an annual astronomical event when The sun is at its lowest elevation above the horizon, i.e. the lowest relative to the the Earth's horizon. In the hemisphere where the winter solstice occurs, the shortest daylight hours and the longest night of the year.

After the winter solstice, on each subsequent day, the day will increase in length and the night will decrease until the summer solstice. Therefore. this day is the beginning of the astronomical New Year.

The day of the winter solstice is also the unofficial World Orgasm Day. The event has been celebrated since 2006. And its origin is associated with the fact that the eve of the winter solstice is the longest night of the year is the longest night of the year, which should be devoted to love.

Ukrainian power engineers are celebrating their professional holiday today. power engineers.

Ukrainians honor the work of these people and will never forget them titanic work to restore electricity to homes during blackouts caused by of Russian strikes.

December 22 is also the Day of the Diplomatic Service of Ukraine. Service of Ukraine. The event was established in 2005 by a presidential decree to commemorate the fact that on December 22, 1917, the General Secretariat of International Affairs of the Ukrainian People's Republic.

Today, the main task of Ukrainian diplomats is to convince the whole world that Russia is a bloody aggressor and must be sent to total international isolation.

According to the church calendar, today is the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Martyr Anastasia.

Her mother was a secret Christian. Anastasia wanted to devote her life to serving the Lord. her life to serving the Lord, but her father forced her into marriage. It is believed that Anastasia managed to keep her virginity during her marriage.

Anastasia secretly helped the needy and disadvantaged Christians. When her husband found out, he severely beat his wife.

After his death, Anastasia gave away all her property to Christians. This angered Emperor Diocletian. He ordered to capture the woman and burn her alive.

Anastasia and Volodymyr celebrate their name days today, Alexander, and Stepan.