
Zelensky called on Biden and Xi to support the Peace Summit with their personal participation

 • 102315 переглядiв

Zelensky called on Biden and Xi to support the Peace Summit with their personal leadership and participation, calling for global efforts to achieve real peace, not a pause between blows.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called on U.S. President Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping to support the Peace Summit with their personal leadership and participation.

He said this in a video message against the backdrop of a printing house in Kharkiv destroyed by Russia , UNN reports .

For them, it is a pleasure to burn. We all know who we are dealing with. russia is run by people who want to make it the norm to burn lives, destroy cities and villages, divide peoples and erase national borders with war. There is no nation that can stop such a war on its own. We need the participation of the world's leaders," Zelenskyy said.

- Zelensky said.

He noted that Ukraine has the world's largest experience of deception by Russia in negotiations.

"Does Russia want a dialogue? Ukraine has the world's largest experience of deception by Russia in negotiations. Deception, which, in particular, was Russia's cover for preparing this war. And that is why we need a global effort - a Peace Summit with the participation of leaders who cannot be deceived by Russia

The President reminded that together with Switzerland, Ukraine is preparing the Peace Summit, which will begin on June 15.

We have confirmed the participation of more than 80 countries and continue to work with leaders to invite them to the Summit. I am grateful to everyone who truly helps peace. I appeal to the leaders of the world who are still on the sidelines of the global efforts to prepare the Peace Summit: President Biden, the leader of the United States, and President Xi, the leader of China. We don't want the UN Charter to burn like these books. I hope you don't either. Please show your leadership in bringing peace - real peace, not pausing between blows

- Zelensky emphasized.

According to him, the efforts of the global majority are the best guarantee of fulfillment of obligations.

Please support the Peace Summit with your personal leadership and participation

- Zelensky urged.


Bloomberg cited sources as saying that US President Joe Biden is likely to skip the Peace Summit to be held in Switzerland on June 15-16 as it coincides with a campaign fundraiser in California.

Prior to this, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said during a briefing on May 22 that Biden's participation in the Peace Summit in Switzerland remains uncertain, as the White House has not yet confirmed whether he will attend the event.

On May 15, U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken announced that the United States will be represented at the Peace Summit in Switzerland, but cannot yet announceat what level it will be represented.

On May 17, the head of the Presidential Office, Andriy Yermak, said that the Chinese side does not speak or give an assessment of its possible participation in the Peace Summit. Ukraine continues to work on engaging China, because it is very importantthat it be present at the highest level.


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