
U.S. Congressional delegation meets with Zelensky in Kyiv: what they discussed

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Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with a bipartisan U.S. Congressional delegation led by Mike Turner to discuss Ukraine's defense needs and thank the United States for its support.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with a delegation from the U.S. House of Representatives. The President's press service reported on the meeting, UNN reported.

This visit demonstrates the strong bicameral and bipartisan support for Ukraine and confirms that the United States is a strategic partner that helps us effectively counter the aggressor. Your visit is important for raising the morale of our people, especially for those heroes who are fighting on the front line today. 

- Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted.


It is noted that today, representatives of a bipartisan delegation of the U.S. House of Representatives, led by Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Mike Turner, met with President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The meeting was also attended by Congressmen Jason Crowe, French Hill, Zach Nunn and Abigail Spanberger as part of their visit to Ukraine.

The Head of State emphasized the importance of the visit of the congressmen to Kyiv at the time when Russia continues terrorizing peaceful cities and civilian infrastructure with massive strikes with missiles and Iranian drones.

Zelenskyy thanked the Congress, both Democratic and Republican parties, the President of the United States and the American people for providing Ukraine with defense, financial and humanitarian assistance. The Ukrainian President emphasized the significant leadership role of the Congress in supporting our country since the first days of the large-scale invasion. He also emphasized the critical importance of the adoption of the assistance package for Ukraine by the Congress.

We cannot stop in our fight against the aggressor. For this fight to be effective, we need the support of our allies, especially the United States. I am convinced that the decision to allocate the necessary assistance to Ukraine will be approved by the Congress. This will strengthen our economy and Armed Forces.

- the Head of State said.

During the meeting, Volodymyr Zelenskyy informed the congressmen in detail about the situation on the frontline and the current needs of the Ukrainian Defense Forces. In particular,

The President noted that additional air defense systems remain a priority to effectively protect civilians and critical infrastructure.

It is also important to develop bilateral cooperation to localize the joint production of modern drones and electronic warfare equipment in Ukraine.

Also, according to the President's press service, there was a meaningful exchange of views on further strengthening sanctions pressure on the aggressor country, as well as the formation of a legal framework by the Congress for the use of frozen Russian assets for the reconstruction of Ukraine.


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