
The Netherlands has begun to transfer drones to Ukraine

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The Netherlands has begun transferring drones to Ukraine as part of an international drone coalition to support Ukraine's defense needs.

The Netherlands, which had previously joined the drone coalition, has already begun to transfer UAVs to Ukraine. This was reported by Dutch Defense Minister Keesa Ollongren in an interview with Delfi, UNN reports .


I can't tell you the exact number, but we are already providing drones to Ukraine. The drone coalition is very important because now we will join forces, which means we will be able to increase the number of drones according to Ukraine's needs

Ollongren said.

She also reminded that the Netherlands is actively involved in the air defense coalition for Ukraine.

For example, with the Patriot system, as well as with the F-16, which is also in the process. So it makes sense to participate in this kind of coalition. And I think that, as with drones, we need to be very precise about what Ukraine needs

said the minister.

In addition, Ollongren confirmed that training for Ukrainian pilots on the F-16 is underway.

We are also preparing the aircraft for the actual transfer. We have announced that we will hand over 24 F-16s together with Denmark and Norway as soon as possible. But everything has to be ready. I am confident that this year we will be able to start the transfer

said the head of the Dutch Defense Ministry.

Нідерланди приєдналися до коаліції дронів для України14.02.24, 14:09


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