
Poland and Greece call on the EU to create a joint air defense shield

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Poland's prime minister and the Greek prime minister have asked the president of the European Commission to create a European air defense shield to protect the EU from future threats such as planes, missiles, and drones.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis have called on European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to create a European air defense shield. This was reported by TVN24, according to UNN.


On Thursday, Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis sent a letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen calling for the creation of a European air defense program.

The European Union needs a breakthrough, a bold initiative that will send a clear and strong message to our friends and enemies, our allies and competitors alike, that the European Union is serious about protecting itself

- the heads of state wrote in a letter.

In the letter, Tusk and Mitsotakis expressed their belief that "Europe will be safe as long as the skies above it are safe". This reflects the need for a new air defense program to protect the European Union from future threats such as aircraft, missiles and drones.

The letter calls for a discussion of this issue at the June summit and notes the need for rapid progress in the implementation of the European Commission's recently proposed defense initiatives.

The authors of the letter also emphasize the importance of strengthening the European deterrence potential and the overall defense capability of the EU, which will help develop advanced technologies and make Europe a world leader in defense and security.

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