
Nearly 2,000 people arrested on U.S. campuses since pro-Palestinian protests began

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Since April 18, nearly 2,000 people have been arrested during pro-Palestinian protests at about 40 universities in 25 states.

More than 2,000 people have been arrested during pro-Palestinian protests at a number of US universities in recent weeks - since April 18, arrests have been recorded at about 40 universities in 25 of the 50 US states, UNN reports , citing ORF and Le Figaro.


Since April 17, a wave of rallies in support of Gaza has swept across American campuses, at approximately forty universities, from the Atlantic coast to California. According to several American media outlets, about 2,000 people were arrested.

Students' calls are more or less the same everywhere: demonstrators demand that universities cut ties with patrons and companies linked to Israel and condemn US support for Tel Aviv. They point to the armed suppression of the Gaza Strip in response to the October 7 terrorist attack.

Байден пов’язав економічні проблеми Китаю, Індії та Японії із "ксенофобією"02.05.24, 09:39

U.S. President Joe Biden strongly condemned the violence during the protests in a speech at the White House yesterday. "There is a right to protest, but not a right to cause chaos. We are not an authoritarian country that silences people," Biden said.

Earlier, his Republican opponent Donald Trump accused Biden of inaction in the face of the pro-Palestinian movement. "These are radical left-wing lunatics, and they have to be stopped now," Trump said upon arriving at the trial in New York.


In the United States on Thursday, police forcibly removed dozens of unruly pro-Palestinian demonstrators from several colleges, including a camp at the University of California. In recent days, students have held rallies or set up tents at dozens of universities to protest Israel's war in Gaza.

Байден після ухвалення допомоги Україні планує зробити цю тему менш публічною у передвиборчий період - Politico03.05.24, 09:19


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