
Colombia suspends coal exports to Israel

 • 70017 переглядiв

Colombia suspends coal exports to Israel until the end of the conflict in the Gaza Strip and Israel complies with the orders of the International Court of justice, citing the ongoing "genocide" by the Israeli government.

Colombia stops exporting coal to Israel due to the war in the Gaza Strip, President Gustavo Petr said, writes Reuters, reports UNN.


According to the Israeli embassy in Bogota, Colombia is the largest supplier of coal to Israel. In 2023, Israel exported coal worth just over NOK 4.8 billion.

The government says the restrictions will remain in effect until Israel complies with the orders of the International Court of justice.

Ізраїльська армія врятувала 4 заручників, утримуваних ХАМАСОМ в таборі біженців в Газі09.06.24, 00:35


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