
A petition against the abolition of daylight saving time gained 25 thousand votes

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A petition to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to veto draft law No. 4201, which provides for the abolition of daylight saving time, has received the 25,000 votes needed for consideration. This is reported by UNN with reference to the website of the head of state


The petition was registered on July 11, and as of October 9, it had gained 25 thousand votes. The petition was initiated by Oleksiy Honcharenko, a member of the Verkhovna Rada from the European Solidarity faction.

The MP reminded that on July 16, in the second reading, the Verkhovna Rada adopted draft law No. 4201 on time calculation, which should cancel the change of clocks to “winter” and “summer” time.

This decision entails significant problems and inconveniences, primarily for citizens. Thus, according to the “new time”, dawn in the summer will come around 3 am (currently 4 am), which will be especially noticeable in the east of the country. And it will get dark around 8 p.m

- the text of the petition reads. 

Goncharenko also assured that this  decision will not be useful in terms of saving electricity, especially given the lost capacity and constant attacks on our energy system by Russia.

Відмова від переведення годинників: сомнологиня розповіла, як позначиться на українцях життя за "зимовим часом"17.07.24, 19:09

This will increase electricity costs for consumers and businesses in the evening hours in spring, summer and autumn.

At the same time,  due to the “winter time” we will have a two-hour difference with Europe, which will significantly affect the effectiveness of our cooperation with partners.

Thus, the respective draft law is completely underdeveloped and harmful for the whole country

- the author of the petition is convinced.


After the adoption of draft law No. 4201, MP Oleksiy Honcharenko introduced a resolution blocking its signing. However, in August of this year , the Rada rejected the blocking resolution to cancel the time change.

As a result, in September , the bill to abolish time change in Ukraine was submitted to the president for his signature.


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