September 1: Entrepreneur's Day in Ukraine, World Letter Writing Day
Kyiv • UNN
Today, on the first Sunday of September, Ukrainians who create, develop and scale their businesses celebrate their professional holiday - Entrepreneur's Day in Ukraine.
Today, on the first Sunday of September, Ukrainians who create, develop, and scale their businesses celebrate their professional holiday - Entrepreneur's Day in Ukraine. The event was launched by presidential decree in 1999, UNN reports.
Despite the full-scale Russian invasion and constant attempts at tax pressure, Ukrainian entrepreneurs are still trying to resist and remain a key source of revenue for the state budget.
Moreover, the difficult situation in the country encourages many people to realize themselves in entrepreneurial activities.
According to one study, more than 300,000 individual entrepreneurs were registered in Ukraine between February 1, 2023, and February 1, 2024. This is the highest figure since Ukraine's independence. During this time, more than 27 thousand new companies were registered in Ukraine.
Today is also World Letter Writing Day.
With the development of communication tools and the emergence of social media, correspondence has practically ceased to exist as a way of communicating between people. It is precisely to revive the traditions of correspondence that this day was created. It is not necessary to use the postal service. You can simply write a warm and sincere letter and hand it to your loved one.
September 1 marks the beginning of World Alzheimer's Awareness Month.
Alzheimer's disease is the most well-known form of dementia, which is accompanied by more severe impairments in memory, orientation, speech, thinking, behavior, and the ability to perform daily functions than is the case with physiological aging.
This disease affects more than 50 million men and women worldwide. There is no cure for Alzheimer's disease. Only methods have been developed that slow down the progression, can slightly improve the patient's condition and reduce the intensity of symptoms. It is also unknown what causes the disease.
Doctors are concerned that Alzheimer's disease is getting younger. Previously, it was diagnosed, as a rule, in people over 65. Now, the number of cases where symptoms of the disease appear in people over 40 is growing.
On the first of September, animal rights activists held events on the occasion of Dolphin Day in Japan.
The event is a protest against the fact that every year Japanese fishermen trap a large number of dolphins in Taiji Bay. Several dozen of them are caught for dolphinariums, and most are killed for meat.
The local authorities justify this with the cultural traditions of the Japanese people.
Every year, dozens of activists come to Japan to tell people that dolphins are intelligent animals. And the tradition of killing them is barbaric and should be banned.
According to the church calendar, today is the Day of Remembrance of St. Simeon the Pillar and his mother.
Simeon was born in the fourth century in Cappadocia. At the age of 18, he took monastic vows. To prevent anyone from interfering with his prayers, Simeon first lived at the bottom of a dried-up well and then in a cave. For such devotion, the Lord rewarded him with the gift of healing.
Later, Simeon built a pillar. There he spent all his time in prayer.
Simeon was buried next to the pillar. Then a monastery was built on this site.
Simeon's mother Martha is honored by the church as a sign that she supported her son's choice.
Semen, Marfa, and Natalia celebrate their name days on September 1.