Russia lost 1,190 military personnel in a day

Russia lost 1,190 military personnel in a day

the russian federation shelled Nikolayevshchina: there are no victims

the russian federation shelled Nikolayevshchina: there are no victims

During the day, the enemy shelled 8 settlements of the Zaporizhia region 523 times

During the day, the enemy shelled 8 settlements of the Zaporizhia region 523 times

Enemy tactical aviation activity recorded in the Northeast

Enemy tactical aviation activity recorded in the Northeast

In Slovakia, Fico's party took second place in the European Parliament elections

In Slovakia, Fico's party took second place in the European Parliament elections

The police detained an attacker who detonated a grenade in the Shevchenko District of Kiev

The police detained an attacker who detonated a grenade in the Shevchenko District of Kiev

The president of the European Commission seeks a "pro-European and pro-Ukrainian" majority in the EU Parliament

The president of the European Commission seeks a "pro-European and pro-Ukrainian" majority in the EU Parliament

Ballpoint pen day, World Ice Cream Day, International heraldry day. What else can you celebrate on June 10

Ballpoint pen day, World Ice Cream Day, International heraldry day. What else can you celebrate on June 10

Sullivan defends US decision to allow Ukraine to strike russia with American weapons

Sullivan defends US decision to allow Ukraine to strike russia with American weapons

Netanyahu called on the minister of the Israeli military cabinet to return to the emergency cabinet

Netanyahu called on the minister of the Israeli military cabinet to return to the emergency cabinet

In the occupied territories of Luhansk region, the enemy does not pay salaries to miners

In the occupied territories of Luhansk region, the enemy does not pay salaries to miners

European People's party leads in European Parliament elections

European People's party leads in European Parliament elections

Enemy troops advanced in the area of Umanskoye and Novoaleksandrovka-DeepState

Enemy troops advanced in the area of Umanskoye and Novoaleksandrovka-DeepState

Israeli military cabinet minister resigns

Israeli military cabinet minister resigns

A third of Ukrainian refugees in Norway do not want to return to Ukraine

A third of Ukrainian refugees in Norway do not want to return to Ukraine

Invaders in the occupied territories force schoolchildren to participate in a propaganda flash mob

Invaders in the occupied territories force schoolchildren to participate in a propaganda flash mob

Belgian prime minister resigns after party defeats in EU elections

Belgian prime minister resigns after party defeats in EU elections

Enemy troops do not control the village of Ryzhevka in Sumy Region - Head of the Zarko community

Enemy troops do not control the village of Ryzhevka in Sumy Region - Head of the Zarko community

Maguchikh defended the title of European champion in athletics, Gerashchenko became the bronze medalist

Maguchikh defended the title of European champion in athletics, Gerashchenko became the bronze medalist

Explosions occurred during the seizure of Crimea-mass media

Explosions occurred during the seizure of Crimea-mass media

General Staff: 73 military clashes occurred on the front lines, the situation is tense in the Pokrovsky direction

General Staff: 73 military clashes occurred on the front lines, the situation is tense in the Pokrovsky direction

Enemy troops claim to have occupied the border village of Ryzhevka in Sumy region

Enemy troops claim to have occupied the border village of Ryzhevka in Sumy region

In part of Sumy, a power outage occurred due to equipment failure

In part of Sumy, a power outage occurred due to equipment failure

In the Dnipropetrovsk region works on a reconnaissance UAV

In the Dnipropetrovsk region works on a reconnaissance UAV

Drunk BMW driver hit pedestrians in Odessa region

Drunk BMW driver hit pedestrians in Odessa region

The enemy shelled the Sumy Region 18 times, resulting in 65 explosions

The enemy shelled the Sumy Region 18 times, resulting in 65 explosions

Macron dissolves French parliament and calls for new elections

Macron dissolves French parliament and calls for new elections

A schoolgirl was hit at a pedestrian crossing in Odessa: serious injuries

A schoolgirl was hit at a pedestrian crossing in Odessa: serious injuries

Another teenager returned to Ukraine from the terrorist russia

Another teenager returned to Ukraine from the terrorist russia

A man was sentenced to 7 years in prison for strangling a friend with a towel during a quarrel

A man was sentenced to 7 years in prison for strangling a friend with a towel during a quarrel

The Russian Federation collects equipment at the Tolyatti landfill for shipment to the Kharkiv direction - ATESH

The Russian Federation collects equipment at the Tolyatti landfill for shipment to the Kharkiv direction - ATESH

Zelensky listened to Sirsky's report and is waiting for Budanov's report: "we are preparing our new steps"

Zelensky listened to Sirsky's report and is waiting for Budanov's report: "we are preparing our new steps"

The Ministry of Defense calculated the losses of the Russian Federation for the week

The Ministry of Defense calculated the losses of the Russian Federation for the week

Ukraine is preparing new agreements with Germany on additional aid steps-Zelensky

Ukraine is preparing new agreements with Germany on additional aid steps-Zelensky

In Odessa, a car hit people at a pedestrian crossing – there are hospitalized-mass media

In Odessa, a car hit people at a pedestrian crossing – there are hospitalized-mass media

As a result of the Russian Kabom strike on Kharkiv, 4 residential buildings were damaged

As a result of the Russian Kabom strike on Kharkiv, 4 residential buildings were damaged

In Germany, the Conservatives are leading in the European Parliament elections

In Germany, the Conservatives are leading in the European Parliament elections

Is the pull of Russian troops in Belarus to the border with Ukraine fixed: the response of border guards

Is the pull of Russian troops in Belarus to the border with Ukraine fixed: the response of border guards

General Staff: Russians attacked 23 times in the Pokrovsky direction, Ukrainian defenders hold the defense

General Staff: Russians attacked 23 times in the Pokrovsky direction, Ukrainian defenders hold the defense

The enemy today hit the Dnipropetrovsk region 15 times with dragons: there is damage

The enemy today hit the Dnipropetrovsk region 15 times with dragons: there is damage