Property of former Motor Sich CEO Boguslaev and former top manager of the company is transferred to the state

Property of former Motor Sich CEO Boguslaev and former top manager of the company is transferred to the state

Kyiv  •  UNN

July 31 2024, 03:57 PM  •  14233 views

The property of former Motor Sich president Vyacheslav Boguslaev and top manager Petro Kononenko was transferred to the SPFU. Shares in companies, real estate and cash worth over UAH 600 million were recovered.

The property and assets of former Motor Sich president Vyacheslav Boguslaev and former top manager of the company, Russian businessman Petro Kononenko, have been transferred to the State Property Fund of Ukraine. This was reported by UNN with reference to the SPFU press service.


In accordance with the decision of the High Anti-Corruption Court, sanctions were imposed on Vyacheslav Boguslaev and Petro Kononenko. The property belonging to them was confiscated to the state and transferred to the management of the State Property Fund

 , the statement said.

It is noted that Bohuslaev's shares or 100% of the companies recovered are in the state's revenue:

  • Zolota Aistra LLC;
  • Motor-Garant Insurance Company ALC;
  • Vinnytsia Aviation Plant LLC;
  • SME Helicopters;
  • Motor-Bank JSC;
  • PJSC “Azov Trade-XXI”

All real estate and land plots are located in Zaporizhzhia or the region.

The SPFU also received shares of companies owned by Kononenko: Zhekon LLC, Perspektiva-Vysokie Tekhnologii LLC, and Promzapal PJSC.

In addition, Vyacheslav Boguslaev's funds were recovered to the state. This is money placed on accounts with JSC Motor-Bank in the amount of more than UAH 554 million and with JSC FUIB in the amount of UAH 79.5 million

- the SPFU added.

It is also noted that the SPFU transfers more than UAH 600 million to the Fund for the Elimination of the Consequences of Armed Aggression, of which UAH 287.3 million has already been transferred.


In October 2023, the case of former Motor Sich CEO Boguslaev was sent to court and assets worth UAH 12 billion were seized.

Boguslaev was detained by the SBU in October 2022, along with the head of the company's Foreign Economic Activity Department.

He is charged with aiding and abetting the aggressor state, collaboration, facilitating the activities of a terrorist organization and, more recently, countering the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

In April, the High Anti-Corruption Court ruled to seize the assets of former Motor Sich president Vyacheslav Boguslaev and former top executive of the company, Russian businessman Petro Kononenko.