Passed data on strategic objects to the enemy: a law enforcement officer will be tried in the Rivne region

Passed data on strategic objects to the enemy: a law enforcement officer will be tried in the Rivne region

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 4 2024, 08:48 AM  •  18378 views

A law enforcement officer in the Rivne region will be tried for passing data on Ukrainian military units and strategic objects to the enemy.

In the Rivne region, a law enforcement officer who in 2023 passed data on Ukrainian military units and strategic objects to the enemy will appear in court. This was reported in the state Bureau of Investigation, Reports UNN

Employees of the state Bureau of Investigation, with the assistance of the SBU, completed a pre-trial investigation against a law enforcement officer from the Rivne region, who in 2023 passed information about the Ukrainian military and strategic facilities to the enemy. The indictment was sent to the court

- The State Bureau of Investigation said in a statement.

According to the bureau, his brother lives on the territory of the Russian Federation, and his nephew holds a position in the so-called "LPR militia". Since April 2023, the man has been sending them data on military units and strategic objects in different regions of Ukraine, photos of checkpoints, and so on.

It is also established that the law enforcement officer photographed certain sections of the Rivne NPP to which he had access.

The law enforcement officer is accused of spreading information about the movement, movement or location of the Armed Forces of Ukraine under martial law (Part 2 of Article 114 - 2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The sanction of the article provides for a penalty of up to 8 years ' imprisonment.

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