14 people detained: UAH 40 million earned from draft evaders in another scheme

14 people detained: UAH 40 million earned from draft evaders in another scheme

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 4 2024, 08:29 AM  •  5015 views

Law enforcement officers uncovered a conscription evasion scheme whose organizers earned over UAH 40 million. The law enforcement detained 14 people who produced fake certificates from the military medical commission for exemption from military service.

Law enforcement officers have uncovered another scheme to evade military service by men liable for conscription, the organizers of which earned more than UAH 40 million from the evaders. UNN reports with reference to the Prosecutor General's Office and the Security Service of Ukraine.


Law enforcement officers stopped the activities of an organized criminal group specializing in schemes for evaders. According to the investigation, a Kyiv resident organized the scheme to evade conscription. He engaged 13 accomplices, including military personnel, to help men obtain fictitious certificates of military qualification and discharge from military service on their basis.

The group members reportedly set up clandestine printing houses at their places of residence, where they produced "certificates of medical examination" on their inability to serve in the military for health reasons. This service cost from 8 to 12 thousand US dollars per person.

Subsequently, those who wished to avoid the draft submitted fictitious documents to the TCC for discharge from service and deregistration.

According to the investigation, the defendants earned more than UAH 40 million from the tax evaders.

Law enforcement officers conducted more than 50 searches at the suspects' residences, military units, as well as territorial TCCs and JVs in two regions and hospitals. During the searches, law enforcement officers found and seized more than 250 forged seals and stamps, including those of territorial military commissions and joint ventures, the Ministry of Defense Central Military Clinical Hospital, and medical commissions; forged documents that served as the basis for deregistration, files and forms of military registration documents of more than a thousand people

- the OPP said in a statement.

Over 1,000 medical certificates and forms of military registration documents intended for men who tried to avoid military service were also seized.

Law enforcement officers have already detained 14 people who have been notified of suspicion of obstructing the lawful activities of the Armed Forces and other military formations, abuse of influence and evasion of military service by self-mutilation or other means committed under martial law (Part 1 of Article 114-1, Part 3 of Article 369-2, Part 4 of Article 409 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

The suspects have been chosen a measure of restraint. The involvement of other persons in the commission of these crimes is being checked.


The head of the Ministry of Defense's Economic Management Department was served a notice of suspicion of embezzlement of UAH 2.3 million for the purchase of construction materials. The criminal scheme operated from November 2022 to September 2024. According to the investigation, from November 2022 to September 2024, the head of the KEU developed and implemented a criminal scheme for the purchase of construction materials at a significantly inflated price. No open tenders were held and no electronic catalog was used for the purchase of goods and services.

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