
US continues to supply arms to Ukraine - Pentagon

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The United States continues to supply Ukraine with military equipment purchased under the USAI program and will do so for years under long-term contracts, the Pentagon says.

The United States continues to supply Ukraine with military equipment purchased on the market under the USAI program. This was reported by Deputy Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh, UNN reports.


According to her, the program provides for the purchase of new weapons on the market, unlike the PDA initiative, under which Kyiv receives military equipment from Pentagon warehouses.

There are some contracts within USAI that continue to be long-term contracts. I don't have the full list in front of me, but some contracts are for years. So yes, some supplies to Ukraine will continue,

- She said.

According to her, if the US stops supporting Ukraine, the US should clearly realize the consequences.

Putin is not going to stop in his quest for power and control beyond Ukraine's borders towards NATO. If Putin attacks a NATO ally, we will be in direct conflict, as we are obliged to defend every inch of NATO,

Sabrina Singh added.


The U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday rejected a Republican-proposed bill that would provide $17.6 billion for Israel, as Democrats said they wanted to vote instead on a broader package that would also provide aid to Ukraine, international humanitarian funding and additional money for border security.

США віддані зміцненню оборонно-промислової бази України - голова Пентагону23.01.24, 16:37


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