
Possible cooperation, war in Ukraine and Taiwan discussed: US and China hold diplomatic talks

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Washington and Beijing held high-level diplomatic talks to ease tensions and discuss ongoing work to maintain contacts between the military and develop cooperation. This is reported by Voice of America, reports UNN.


It is noted that on Thursday, May 30, a meeting was held between US Deputy Secretary of state Kurt Campbell and Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu.

The parties negotiated the need to maintain open communication channels to prevent miscalculations and unintended conflicts, especially during periods of tension.

Держдепартамент США прокоментував військові навчання Китаю в Тайванській протоці26.05.24, 01:59

After a two-hour face-to-face conversation, us and Chinese officials met for a working lunch at the state Department. On the same day, negotiations with Ma Zhaoxu were continued by White House deputy national security adviser John finer.


On the same day, negotiations with Ma Zhaoxu were continued by White House Deputy National Security Adviser John finer. In addition, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan joined the talks. 

The parties discussed the current work on continuing contacts between the military and developing cooperation in areas where our interests coincide, such as the fight against drugs

- the White House said in a statement.

In addition, the diplomats discussed existing differences, in particular the situation around Taiwan and the war in Ukraine. 

Електроніка та боєприпаси: Столтенберг розповів, як Китай та КНДР допомагають росії у війні проти України 27.05.24, 14:20

Finer reiterated the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. He stressed that the United States supports international law and freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. The parties also discussed Russia's war against Ukraine, challenges in the Middle East and efforts to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula

- stated in the White House. 


United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that The United States will continue to work with Beijing,including imposing sanctions to force it to stop supporting the Russian war in Ukraine.


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