
Nothing would make Putin happier right now than congressional hesitation in supporting Ukraine - Chuck Schumer

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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called on House Speaker Mike Johnson and the Republicans to pass a bill to help allies such as Ukraine counter Russian aggression and protect democracy.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called on Speaker Mike Johnson and House Republicans to pass a bill to help allies. In particular, he emphasized the urgency of adopting aid to Ukraine due to the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, as democratic values are at stake, UNN reports.

Nothing would make Putin happier right now than to see Congress waver in its support for Ukraine. Nothing would help him more on the battlefield. The war in Ukraine is not an isolated regional struggle. The Chinese Communist Party, the Iranian regime, and all of our adversaries will rejoice if America fails to defend a democracy and an ally in need. If America fails one of our friends, others will assume that we will fail them as well. And they will act accordingly.

- Schumer said.


The Senate Democratic leader also added that Navalny's death now makes it even more urgent to pass the National Security Appendix. Schumer called for new action as it relates to national security interests. He noted that this bipartisan bill is on Johnson's desk and Putin is watching. The senator said that some of the biggest challenges to America's national security depend on how quickly the House of Representatives passes a bipartisan security package.

We must approve investments that guarantee the security of our country, guarantee the security of our partners, and prevent our adversaries from gaining an advantage over us. ...The death of the courageous Russian opposition leader Navalny shows the extremely high stakes with an additional package: our security, our values, our commitment to democracy. This is the first payment for the survival of Western democracy and the survival of American values. 

Schumer added.

Байден заявив, що США розглядають нові санкції проти рф через смерть навального19.02.24, 18:46


Republican Party leaders in the United States do not want to approve the next tranche of aid for Ukraine until a bill is approved that will address border security in the United States.

Johnson's position is close to the interests of Donald Trump and many conservatives in the Republican Party. However, this view is not shared by the vast majority of House lawmakers, who realize the existential threat to European democracy - and U.S. national security - if Russia wins.

It should be noted that on February 13, the Senate approved a bill that provides for $95.34 billion in aid to US allies, including Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, of which $60 billion is earmarked for Kyiv.

Законопроект для допомоги Україні: Байден готовий провести зустріч зі спікером Палати представників Конгресу Джонсоном19.02.24, 19:32

German Defense Minister urged the US to provide additional military aid to Ukraine, as failure to provide this financial support could harm the American economy.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukraine expects a positive decision by the US Congress on a military aid package that is vital to preserving the US strategic partnership.


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