
Kovalenko explains presence of DPRK military in Donetsk region

 • 13276 переглядiв

The presence of North Korean troops in  Donetsk region is mainly related to small numbers of engineer troops and is due to the fact that a large amount of ammunition from the DPRK, which is provided by Russia, is of poor quality. This was stated by the head of the Center for Countering Disinformation of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Andriy Kovalenko, UNN reports.

"The presence of the DPR military in Donetsk region is mainly related to small numbers of engineer troops and is due to the fact that a large number of DPR ammunition is of poor quality. These troops accompany the cargo, record defects and monitor the use of ammunition by the Russian army," Kovalenko wrote.

He noted that Russia is increasingly dependent on ammunition from the DPRK for various types of weapons.

"The KN23 ballistic missile is also of poor quality," Kovalenko added.


According to UNN's own sources, a missile strike on a training ground near Donetsk killed 6 North Korean officers, among others.

The Times, citing Western intelligence data , reportedthat half of the shells used by Russia are supplied by North Korea. This is about three million rounds of ammunition per year.


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