
For supporting Ukraine: Zelensky awarded German Foreign Minister Berbock with the order

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Annalena Berbock was awarded the Order of Yaroslav the wise, third class, which the president of Ukraine awarded her at the end of last year by decree.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky awarded German foreign minister Annalena Berbock with the order for supporting Ukraine, reports UNN with reference to Bild.


The publication clarifies that Annalena Berbock was awarded the Order of Yaroslav the Wise of the third degree, this award was awarded to her by the president of Ukraine at the end of last year by his decree.

Then the order of the third degree was also awarded to Bundestag deputies Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmerman and Anton Hofreiter. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al-Saud, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama were awarded the highest degree of the Order of Yaroslav the wise.


President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev met with the minister of foreign affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany Annalena Berbock.

During the meeting, they separately discussed Ukraine's movement towards EU membership and the organization of the International Conference on the restoration of Ukraine (URC 2024), which will be held in Berlin in June, and coordinated steps to fill it with specific projects.

Голова МЗС Німеччини Бербок прибула до Києва з неоголошеним візитом21.05.24, 08:49


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