
DIU identifies those who fire "Kinzhals" at Ukraine: list released

 • 38228 переглядiв

Ukrainian intelligence identified 29 Russian servicemen, including 7 officers, from the 44th Aviation Regiment responsible for shelling Ukraine with "Kinzhal" missiles.

Ukrainian intelligence officers have identified who is firing Kinzhal missiles at Ukraine, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry said on Saturday, publishing a list, UNN reports.


"Operatives and analysts of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine identified 29 command, flight and technical personnel of the 44th separate aviation regiment of the special purpose long-range aviation of the Russian Air Force," the DIU reported on Telegram.

It is also stated that seven officers from the regiment's technical staff have been identified.

"The 44th Separate Air Force Brigade (military unit 83122) was formed on December 01, 2021. Place of permanent deployment: Savasleyka airfield, Nizhny Novgorod region, Russia," the DIU said.

The regiment, as noted, has a two-squadron structure, with up to 24 aircraft - MiG-31K long-range fighter interceptors.

"The tail numbers of the MiG-31K aircraft from the regiment have also been established: RF-20862, RF-03230, RF-20882, RF-03231, RF-03234, RF-19275, RF-94268, RF-42251, RF-42253, RF-20867, RF-20883," the DIU said.

According to intelligence, the missile is armed with the Kh-47M2 "Kinzhal" air-to-air missile system (500 kg warhead, possible nuclear weapons); its purpose is to deliver maximum rapid strikes at a distance of up to 2000 km. The hypersonic flight speed of the missile at the final stage is achieved by accelerating the carrier aircraft to supersonic parameters (i.e., the MiG-31K acts as the "first stage").

"The list of identified Russian war criminals can be found at link," the DIU said.

"We remind you that every war crime committed against Ukraine will be punished with justice," the intelligence concluded.

Україна ідентифікувала та внесла до бази даних майже 250 тисяч загарбників і колаборантів22.12.23, 18:20


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