
China launches newest military drone near Japan

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Japan has scrambled combat fighter jets after a new Chinese reconnaissance and strike drone, the Wing Loong-10, was spotted near Okinawa Prefecture. This was reported by NHK, UNN.


It is noted that the Chinese drone was spotted over the East China Sea, north of the Japanese prefecture of Okinawa.

Japan's Ministry of Defense decided to send up warplanes from the country's air force to intercept it. However, the UAV, which was flying toward Japan, turned around after a while and flew back along the same route in the opposite direction toward mainland China.

Japan said that this is the first time the Chinese army has used the new Wing Loong-10 reconnaissance and strike drone. In addition, the Japanese Ministry of Defense says that this is the fifth type of Chinese military drone launched by the Chinese to conduct reconnaissance near their country.

Китай провів імітацію ракетних ударів і підняв бомбардувальники під час навчань поблизу Тайваню24.05.24, 10:00


Analysts of The Telegraph claim that China is preparing an armada of ferries and civilian vessels to invade Taiwan. This comes amid an intensifying campaign of pressure on Taipei by Beijing.


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