Weather in Ukraine: where there will be no precipitation today and what temperature is expected
Kyiv • UNN
In Ukraine, it is mostly cloudy with rains and sleet, with temperatures ranging from +1 to +9°C. No precipitation only in the west and in Odesa, the rest of the country will have precipitation.
Cloudy weather will remain in Ukraine today, with rains expected in most parts of the country, with sleet in some places. Only in the west and in Odesa there will be no precipitation. This is reported by the Ukrainian Weather Center, UNN reports.
According to the information, the temperature in Kyiv will range from +1 to +3°C, with light rain and sleet. Lviv will be the most favorable city with temperatures between +2 and +4°C and no precipitation. In Dnipro and Kharkiv, the temperature will be slightly higher - from +3 to +5°C, but rains with sleet are also expected. Odesa will remain dry with temperatures ranging from +7 to +9°C.
In other cities, such as Donetsk, Luhansk, Simferopol and Melitopol, it will be cloudy with occasional rain and sleet.
In general, the daytime temperature in Ukraine will fluctuate between +5 and +7°C.
Weather in Ukraine: where to expect sleet and rain on November 13Nov 13 2024, 05:52 AM • 20870 views