UN: One in four Gaza residents goes hungry

UN: One in four Gaza residents goes hungry

Kyiv  •  UNN

December 21 2023, 08:55 PM  •  36326 views

One in four Gazans faces hunger, and the WHO reports that 93% of the population is at risk of hunger and malnutrition. Despite pressure from the United States, which has allowed limited aid to be provided, it meets only 10% of the needs.

The risk of famine in Gaza is growing every day. The World Health Organization (WHO) warns about this Health Organization (WHO) warns in its report, UNN reports.


The WHO estimates that 93 percent of the more than 2 million of the population, half of whom are children, face "critical levels of hunger" and "high levels of malnutrition".

Famine, disaster and death are obvious

the organization writes.

Approximately a quarter of the population, namely 576,600 people, are experiencing catastrophic levels of of hunger.

"It's unlikely It could hardly be worse. I've never seen anything like what is happening in Gaza before. is happening in Gaza. At this speed and on this scale."

says Arif Hussein, Chief Economist of the World Food Program (WFP).

After considerable pressure from the US and aid organizations and aid organizations, some food and medical supplies and medical supplies to the Gaza Strip have been opened, but according to the UN, they cover only 10 percent of the needs in the war-torn strip of land.


On November 1, foreigners began to leave Gaza through the border crossing with Egypt for the first time since the beginning of the war.