The parliament adopted the draft law on academic integrity as a basis: what is it about

The parliament adopted the draft law on academic integrity as a basis: what is it about

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 6 2024, 01:22 PM  •  15830 views

The Verkhovna Rada adopted as a basis the draft law on academic integrity, which defines the Basic Rules of academic integrity, types of violations, including plagiarism and works written using artificial intelligence, as well as fines for violations.

The Verkhovna Rada adopted as a basis the draft law on academic integrity, which defines the Basic Rules of academic integrity and types of liability for violations, including penalties for plagiarism and works written by artificial intelligence.

This is reported by UNN with Reference to people's deputy Yaroslav Zheleznyak and the card of the draft law No. 10392.


No. 10392-law on academic integrity. As a basis - 304

Zheleznyak said.

According to the draft law, the concept of "academic integrity" is established – a set of values, principles and rules based on them that should guide the subjects of academic activity in the implementation of such activities.

Each participant in the educational process is obliged to adhere to the values, principles and rules of academic integrity in their activities

- - the draft law says.

Such rules will apply to:

  • scientific, scientific-pedagogical, pedagogical, teaching activities;
  • educational activities of applicants for education; educational activities of educational institutions, scientific institutions;
  • activities related to the creation, implementation and evaluation of projects in the field of education and science;
  • activities related to the creation, review, and scientific editing of academic works;
  • entrance tests for admission to educational institutions (scientific institutions);
  • activities related to the award of scientific degrees and degrees of education, the assignment of scientific and pedagogical titles, qualification categories;
  • implementation of internal and external quality assurance procedures for education;
  • evaluation of scientific institutions.

Pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical, scientific workers, and other persons engaged in teaching activities are obliged to:

adhere to the values, principles and rules of academic integrity; treat applicants for education and other participants in the educational process with respect;

guarantee your own activities based on reliable and reliable data based on research results and reflecting the current state of knowledge on relevant issues;

check the reliability and reliability of information provided to colleagues and applicants for education;

clearly outline the expected learning outcomes, form clear requirements for educational tasks, and have a transparent system for evaluating the learning outcomes of educational applicants, which is based on Clear published criteria;

process and virtuously evaluate academic works and academic works of educational applicants, make sure that there are no signs of violations of academic integrity;

by their own example, contribute to the formation of academic integrity of educational applicants; encourage, encourage and support the observance of academic integrity by educational applicants;

timely, impartially and indiscriminately respond to any manifestations of violation of academic integrity (including stopping them), ensure that applicants for education are brought to academic responsibility.

Additional types of sanctions may be applied to teachers for violating academic integrity:

  • suspension from conducting procedures and measures to ensure the quality of Education, Entrance Exams, Olympiads, tournaments, competitions, competitions and other competitive events for a period of one to three years; 
  • non-admission for a period of one to three years to an extraordinary certification aimed at improving the qualification category or awarding a pedagogical title;
  • withdrawal of any type of incentives (incentive payments, rewards, etc.) for one year. 

The lack of response to the facts of violation of academic integrity is the basis for bringing the head of an institution of professional pre-primary education to disciplinary responsibility

- the document says.

The main types of violations of academic integrity are:

alienation of authorship;

academic plagiarism; attribution of authorship; self-plagiarism; fabrication; falsification;

unfair assessment of learning outcomes;

non-independent task completion;

unauthorized help;

academic sabotage;

inducement to violate academic integrity;

institutional violations of academic integrity.

Measures to respond to violations of academic integrity are: educational measures; bringing to academic and/or disciplinary responsibility; responding to violations of academic integrity during competitions; institutional response measures.

"A person who has reached the age of 14 at the time of committing a violation of academic integrity may be brought to academic responsibility," the draft law says.


the Academic Integrity Bill, which sets out rules, violations, and sanctions for improving the quality of education, was registered with the Council in January of this year.