The IMF insists on conducting a transparent audit of NABU as soon as possible

The IMF insists on conducting a transparent audit of NABU as soon as possible

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 4 2024, 03:45 PM  •  14367 views

IMF representatives call for an independent audit of NABU to be conducted as soon as possible. NABU Director Semen Kryvonos discussed with the IMF delegation the audit, the creation of an expert institution, and the possibility of offline wiretapping.

Representatives of the International Monetary Fund insist on the need to conduct an independent audit of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) as soon as possible. This was reported by the press service of the bureau, UNN reports.

As noted, NABU Director Semen Kryvonos met with the IMF delegation, during which special attention was paid to the need for an independent audit of the anti-corruption bureau's activities as soon as possible, based on the principles of transparency and openness.

The parties also discussed the creation of an expert institution at the NABU and the possibility of introducing autonomous wiretapping for anti-corruption detectives.

Finally, the head of the Bureau spoke about the recent revelations of corruption of former and current top officials

Let's add

NABU is preparing for audit. International experts have already submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers a list of candidates for the commission that will audit NABU.

NABU Director Semen Kryvonos statedthat he was “very much looking forward” to the start of the audit, which should reveal both the strengths and weaknesses of the bureau.

Earlier, foreign experts who provided a technical assessment of the NABU's activities indicated that the bureau's staff was depressed, needed psychologists and most of the employees planned to resign in the near future.

At the same time, NABU does not have the trust of Ukrainians (54.4% of survey respondents), and the economic effect of their activities is zero. After all, over the years, tens of billions of hryvnias have been spent on NABU, SAPO, NAPC, and HACC from the budget .

The reason for the lack of trust in anti-corruption activists may be loud accusations of top officials by the NABU, which eventually result in acquittals. An example is the case of former Minister Volodymyr Omelyan. He was accused of budget losses due to the reduction of port fees that he introduced. But in court, all the arguments of SAPO detectives and prosecutors were shattered as worthless. By the way, neither the NABU detectives nor the SAPO prosecutors have ever publicly apologized to Omelyan or been punished for illegally bringing him to criminal responsibility.

A similar story may happen to former Minister Mykola Solsky, who was accused in May of misappropriating land in Sumy region in favor of ATO fighters. This story is already eight years old, and the reasonable timeframe for investigation has been exhausted, but detectives decided to make a statement only this year. Moreover, at the moment when Solsky achieved results in negotiations with the Poles on the export of agricultural products.

However, the publicly available materials indicate dubious evidence of detectives, as evidenced by expert opinion of manipulation with the examinations in this case. They tried to “leak” one of them and annul it through the court - probably because such an examination testified to the innocence of the former minister.