The ban on Telegram on official devices does not apply to personal smartphones - NSDC CCD

The ban on Telegram on official devices does not apply to personal smartphones - NSDC CCD

Kyiv  •  UNN


The head of the National Security and Defense Council's Center for Countering Disinformation explained that the ban on Telegram applies only to official devices of civil servants and the military. The use of the messenger on personal smartphones is not restricted.

The ban on Telegram on the official devices of civil servants, military and critical infrastructure workers does not apply to personal smartphones, the head of the Center for Countering Disinformation of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Andriy Kovalenko explained on Friday, UNN reports.

Regarding Telegram. We are talking about official devices. In simple terms, civil servants, military personnel, and critical infrastructure employees should not use Telegram on their work computers. I said earlier that sending work documents via Telegram from work devices carries risks. This is now a collective decision. But it does not apply to your personal smartphones

- Kovalenko wrote on Telegram.

Military and civil servants banned from using Telegram on official devices20.09.24, 13:10 • 12146 views