Sumy Military District denied information about a possible massive offensive from russia

Sumy Military District denied information about a possible massive offensive from russia

Kyiv  •  UNN

March 12 2024, 09:21 AM  •  30066 views

The Sumy Regional Military Administration denies the fake news about a possible massive offensive of russian troops in Sumy region, stating that there are currently no enemy strike groups near the region's borders.

Information about the accumulation of russian troops on the border of Sumy region is a fake created to spread panic among the population. This was stated by the Sumy Regional Military Administration, UNN reports.


The JFO emphasizes that the enemy is spreading information about a massive offensive in Sumy region on social media. It is noted that this fake is aimed at destabilizing and increasing panic among residents of the region.

According to the head of the Sumy Regional Military Administration Volodymyr Artyukh, no enemy strike groups have been recorded near the borders of Sumy region as of today. The Sumy Regional Military Administration and district military administrations, community leaders and law enforcement agencies are on the ground

- the OBA emphasized. 

Deforestation in Belarus to attack Kyiv: the Center for Public Integrity denies the Russian Federation's fake newsMarch 6 2024, 06:58 PM • 36205 views

The Sumy Regional Military Administration emphasized that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are ready for any challenge and can repel the enemy if necessary.

At the same time, the agency recognized that there is still a danger from the air and shelling of border communities in region . In this regard, residents of the region are asked not to ignore air raid warnings.


Against the backdrop of new military exercises in Belarus, the Center for Countering Information emphasizes that there is no threat of invasion of Ukraine from Belarus because russia does not have enough forces to invade.