Scandals in NABU and SAPO undermine the reputation of their external managers and point to corruption-MP

Scandals in NABU and SAPO undermine the reputation of their external managers and point to corruption-MP

Kyiv  •  UNN

May 29 2024, 10:01 AM  •  121301 views

Scandals in NABU and SAPO undermine the reputation of their external managers and point to corruption, MP Oleksiy Kucherenko believes.

Scandals in NABU and SAPO undermine the reputation of foreign structures behind them and point to corruption. This was stated by MP Alexey Kucherenko in an exclusive comment UNN.

When I look at their (NABU – Ed.) actions [ let them not be offended by me, especially this PR... they haven't had time to conduct a search yet – they are already posting photos, some bills. And then you look-you laid out those unfortunate 3 thousand dollars. They violate at least the presumption of innocence, and the ethical standards of such a powerful law enforcement structure are very seriously violated

Alexey Kucherenko said.

As an example of the latest scandals in the anti-corruption bodies, the MP commented on the case of First Deputy NABU Gizo Uglava about the "information leak". According to him, if it is proved to this detective, it is definitely corruption. At the same time, he noted that the issue of dismissing the head is likely to be discussed with foreign structures.

"Let me say subtly – we have a system of relations built in such a way that this (dismissal – ED.) will not only be our internal business. Because we have such bodies that are very closely supervised by other foreign structures that rely on them to control the use of funds. But I have a deep doubt that all these bodies that are associated with external influence, that they are so immaculately honest both in reputation and in their actions," Kucherenko said.

According to him, in order to avoid such situations as with Uglava, it may be worth introducing cross – control between services-when some security forces check others.

"This is absolutely not bad and it is an effective measure in many countries. When the special services and law enforcement agencies have mutual cross – control-that is, even such competition, and it benefits society and the fight against corruption. The main thing is that it should be healthy, this is competition," the MP added.


Recently, NABU Director Semyon Krivonos suspended his first deputy Gizo Uglava from performing his duties for the duration of the pre-trial investigation into the alleged information leak to the Bureau. On the eve of this event, it was reported that as part of the investigation of possible downpours, searches were conducted at the home of one of the NABU investigators.


Recently, the NABU's actions actually disrupted Ukraine's negotiations with Poland on unblocking borders. The Poles took advantage of the NABU case against ex-minister of Agricultural Policy Mykola Solsky about the alleged seizure of land and, citing "corruption", withdrew from the negotiations. Some experts are inclined to believe that this was intended and the Solsky case did not accidentally coincide with the demarche of the Poles, who meanwhile are rapidly increasing their exports to Belarus.