Political scientist on the Peace Summit communiqué: it is important that it is narrowly focused and addresses specific issues

Political scientist on the Peace Summit communiqué: it is important that it is narrowly focused and addresses specific issues

Kyiv  •  UNN

June 17 2024, 10:06 AM • 119143 views

The Global Peace Summit communiqué is narrowly focused on addressing specific issues related to Russia's war against Ukraine, including territorial integrity and forcing Russia to comply with its provisions, but does not contain enforcement mechanisms.

It is important that the text  of the Global Peace Summit communiqué is narrowly focused and addresses specific issues. This opinion was expressed in a commentary to UNN by political scientist Ihor Reiterovych, who added that the military component should be in the first place for Ukraine, meaning that by changing the situation on the battlefield, Ukrainians will be able to launch the political component.

It could have been better, on the other hand, it could have been worse. In this regard, we probably got the maximum we could have hoped for, given the representation and the circumstances surrounding the organization of the Summit

- Reiterovich said.

He noted that the absence of any mechanisms and specific tools to force Russia to comply with the provisions of this communiqué reduces its significance to some extent.

As for the final text, it is better than the previous versions that were presented in the media. That is, it answers two key questions: about territorial integrity and the actual war that Russia is waging against Ukraine. But of course, the absence of any mechanisms and specific tools to force Russia to comply with the provisions of this communiqué reduces its significance to some extent. But from a symbolic point of view, from the point of view of further work, this is a normal story

- Reiterovich noted.

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However, he noted that it is important that the communiqué is narrowly focused and addresses specific issues.

It is not very different from a decision of, for example, the United Nations, just a smaller number of countries supported it, but there is a difference, in the UN, such decisions are still passable, many similar decisions are voted on there, which relate to different issues. Here, the Summit was specifically devoted to the Russian-Ukrainian war, so it is important that the communiqué is narrowly focused and addresses specific issues. As for the practical implementation, we may hear more details from our delegation. They have returned to Ukraine and will tell us in more detail how Russia will be forced to accept this peace and how it will be implemented

 said Reuters. 

He also noted that those countries whose signatures Ukraine did not really expect did not sign the joint communiqué of the Peace Summit.

"It was clear that they would be more of an observer than a real actor," Reiterowicz said.

Thus, among those who did not sign the communiqué were Saudi Arabia, Thailand, India, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil, and the United Arab Emirates, and Iraq and Jordan withdrew their signatures.

In addition, the political scientist commented on President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's statement that Ukraine's strengthening on the battlefield and, in parallel, strengthening of international policy could force Russia to sit down and engage in a civilized dialogue.

Reiterowicz quoted Carl von Clausewitz, a Prussian general, military reformer, and military theorist, who was riding:

War is a continuation of politics by other means.

"In this case, politics is a continuation of the war. For us, the military component should come first, meaning that by changing the situation on the battlefield, we will be able to launch the political component. Speaking of which, many of those present at the Summit said that we need to help Ukraine change the situation on the battlefield as much as possible, and then Russia will be forced to look for a political solution and actually sit down at the negotiating table.  Therefore, in this case, military assistance should be at the forefront, and then we can talk about political aspects," Reiterovich said.  


Following the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland, a Joint Communiqué on the foundations of peace was issued. UNN provides the full text of the document.

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