Four out of eight missiles fired at Selydove, according to preliminary data, were made in the DPRK: prosecutors collected wreckage

Four out of eight missiles fired at Selydove, according to preliminary data, were made in the DPRK: prosecutors collected wreckage

Kyiv  •  UNN

February 8 2024, 02:31 PM  •  21279 views

The prosecutor's office found fragments of 4 North Korean ballistic missiles and 4 Russian S-300 missiles that were used during the Russian attack on the town of Selidove, which killed 1 woman and wounded 7 civilians, including a child.

According to preliminary data, the four missiles used by the occupiers to hit Selydove were made in North Korea, UNN reports, citing the Donetsk regional prosecutor's office.

"Last night, Russian troops launched a combined attack on Selydove. The occupiers hit civilian infrastructure with 8 missiles. At the scene, prosecutors collected fragments of munitions that look like the remains of a North Korean ballistic missile KN-23, the other four - S-300. The collected evidence will be sent for appropriate examinations," the statement said.


On February 8, 2024, at about 00:30, Russian troops carried out a massive rocket attack on the town of Selydove. Selidove. As a result of the attack, a woman was killed and 7 civilians, including a 6-year-old child, were injured.

Prosecutors are taking all possible and appropriate measures to document war crimes committed by representatives of the Russian armed forces. Under the procedural guidance of the Donetsk Regional Prosecutor's Office, a pre-trial investigation is being conducted in criminal proceedings on the violation of the laws and customs of war (part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).


The Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise has previously called for waiting for the final results of the examinations on the possible use of North Korean missiles in Ukraine.

"We have also been assigned the relevant expertise, the objects will be handed over any day now, and after examining them, we will say for sure. Of course, we have previously reviewed and analyzed all the photos and videos that are publicly available. We understand that the elements recorded there, i.e. visually specific parts, cables, their color, material and other characteristics, have never been found in any Russian missile studied so far. At the same time, there are no established facts of the use of Korean-made missiles, as well as the attacks on the capital. We will do our work here and provide additional information as soon as it becomes possible," said Oleksandr Ruvin, Director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise.