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Currency exchange rate as of March 8: hryvnia strengthened by 18 kopecks overnight

Currency exchange rate as of March 8: hryvnia strengthened by 18 kopecks overnight

Kyiv • UNN


The National Bank of Ukraine has raised the official exchange rate of the hryvnia to the US dollar by 18 kopecks to 38.0836 UAH/$ and to the euro by 11 kopecks to 41.4883 UAH/€ as of March 8.

The National Bank of Ukraine has set the official exchange rate of the hryvnia at 38.0836 UAH/$, which strengthened it by 18 kopecks compared to yesterday, according to the NBU, UNN reports.


The official euro exchange rate was set at UAH 41.4883 on March 8. Thus, the hryvnia strengthened by 11 kopecks against the euro compared to the previous day.

According to specialized websites, the dollar can be bought for an average of UAH 38.53 and sold for UAH 38.05 in banks. The euro can be bought for an average of UAH 42.05 and sold for UAH 41.40 in banks.

In exchange offices, the dollar is traded at UAH 38.38-38.47, and the euro at UAH 41.89-42.05.

On the interbank market, the exchange rates are 38.04-38.06 UAH/$ for the dollar and 41.53-41.54 UAH/€ for the euro, respectively.


The price of gold reached a new record of $2154 per ounce after US Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said that interest rates are likely to be cut this year.

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