Brovary authorities have never stood aside from IDPs' problems - head of modular town for IDPs

Brovary authorities have never stood aside from IDPs' problems - head of modular town for IDPs

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 25 2024, 11:59 AM  •  133967 views

Brovary authorities have never stood aside from the problems of IDPs, says the head of the modular town for IDPs.

People who have moved from the occupied and frontline territories to the Brovary community and cannot immediately find housing settle in a modular town for IDPs. How many people are currently living in the town, from which regions and what kind of help they can get here - this was told by Alina Boyar, head of the section for the maintenance of temporary IDP structures of the Brovary-Blagoustriy utility company (head of the modular town) in a commentary to UNN.

According to Alina Boyar, the town is currently housing mostly people who are being evacuated from Sumy region.

"Our modular town started operating in November 2022. During this time, almost 400 people have received temporary housing here. Currently, 161 people live in the town. Most of them are women. They are internally displaced persons from Donetsk, Luhansk, Kharkiv and Kherson regions. Over the past month, we have been receiving people from Sumy region, from the areas where mandatory evacuation is taking place.

The town is home to 30 children and about 80 elderly people.

When a person moves in with us, and if he or she does not have documents, we help them to get them. Then the person obtains IDP status, undergoes a medical examination, and can move in. If necessary, we engage specialists to provide psychological assistance to our clients. Various organizations come to us and bring food, clothes and other humanitarian aid. We take elderly people for various medical procedures, including massages. As for the children, we take them to paint, to the swimming pool, and organize various workshops.

The people in our modular town are friendly, welcoming, and always help each other," says Alina Boyar.

According to the manager of the modular town for IDPs, Brovary Mayor Ihor Sapozhko is constantly interested in how people live there and whether they have any problems.

"When people move in, everything happens through a commission at the city council. If I see that the residents of the town have any questions or need help from the authorities, I turn to the deputy mayor in charge of IDPs or to the mayor himself, and these issues are immediately resolved. The authorities in Brovary have never been aloof from the problems of IDPs.

From time to time, the mayor comes to us with on-site receptions, or if we contact him and need something, he finds opportunities and provides us with it," added Alina Boyar.


The Brovary community is developing a comprehensive program to support internally displaced persons.

The mayor of Brovary, Ihor Sapozhko, in a comment to UNN, emphasized that people who left everything in the occupied and frontline territories, fleeing from Russian bullets, shells and missiles, should not feel abandoned.

"We understand these people like no one else, because in the first days of the war, the Russian occupiers were on the outskirts of our city, where fierce fighting was going on. Brovary residents also left and sought refuge in other regions of Ukraine or abroad. Therefore, the city council is doing everything possible to facilitate the adaptation of these people and their integration into our Brovary community. We are developing various projects and programs to ensure that people have jobs, housing, and access to social services," said Igor Sapozhko.