British intelligence: about a thousand Wagner mercenaries train Belarusian military and security forces

British intelligence: about a thousand Wagner mercenaries train Belarusian military and security forces

Kyiv  •  UNN

February 4 2024, 10:58 AM  •  33123 views

British intelligence reports that up to 1,000 Wagner mercenaries continue to train Belarusian military and security forces, holding Ukraine's defense in the north.

There are up to 1,000 mercenaries of the Wagner PMC in Belarus, who continue to train the Belarusian military and security forces. The presence of Wagner in Belarus also plays into Russia's hands, forcing Ukraine to maintain defensive positions on its northern border. This is stated in a new report by the British Ministry of Defense based on intelligence, UNN reports.


According to the report, it is likely that there are up to 1,000 Wagner mercenaries in Belarus, while in June 2023, there were 8,000 Wagnerites in the country.

 Wagner almost certainly continues to train the Belarusian military and security forces. It is unlikely that the President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, will use Wagner mercenaries beyond their current mandate. They are involved in the training of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but are unlikely to be directly involved in maintaining internal or border security in Belarus." 

- the report says.

In addition, the presence of the Wagnerites in Belarus benefits Russia by forcing Ukraine to maintain defensive positions and personnel along its northern border with Belarus to protect against potential future invasions.

Storm Gladiator unit formed in Russia: elite suicide bombers trained by former Wagner and KadyrovitesFebruary 3 2024, 05:43 PM • 37957 views


British intelligence reportedthat the Kremlin had incorporated the remnants of the Wagner group into the Russian Guard to strengthen its control over them.