A worker beat a ward in a Kolomyia boarding school: Ombudsman responds
Kyiv • UNN
In Kolomyia, an employee of a psychoneurological boarding school beat a ward. Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets announced the opening of criminal proceedings and an internal investigation.
In Kolomyia, Ivano-Frankivsk region, an employee of a women's psychoneurological boarding school beat a ward. This was reported by the Verkhovna Rada Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets, UNN reports.
Lubinets wrote on Telegram that after reporting the beating, representatives of the Ombudsman checked the conditions of the wards' stay in the boarding school for human rights. The victim was found to have large bruises on her back and sides.

Law enforcers opened a criminal proceeding and registered the data in the URPTI on the grounds of intentional light bodily harm.
A pre-trial investigation has been initiated, and the circumstances of the crime are being investigated.
Lubinets added that the administration of the institution, having learned about the incident, took measures to remove the employee who had beaten the ward, and an internal investigation is underway.