39 veterans will receive UAH 19 million to develop their own businesses

39 veterans will receive UAH 19 million to develop their own businesses

Kyiv  •  UNN

March 21 2024, 09:53 AM  •  25581 views

39 veterans will receive UAH 19 million in grants to develop their own businesses after the fourth wave of applications in 2024.

After the 4th wave of applications for grants for veterans in 2024, 39 winners were selected. They will receive UAH 19 million to  develop their businesses. This was reported by Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Tetiana Berezhna, UNN reports.


In the fourth wave of applications for grants for veterans in 2024, 39 winners were selected. Each of them will receive UAH 19 million from the state to develop their business. In total, 407 veterans and family members of combatants have already received grants worth UAH 178 million since the start of the veterans' component of the "Own Business" grant program.

The state invests in starting or scaling up their businesses through grants of UAH 19 million. In total, 407 veterans and their family members have already received a positive decision to receive a grant since the launch of this program area, totaling UAH 178 million. 57% of the grants received for their own business are grants of up to UAH 500 thousand

- says Tetiana Berezhna.

The 39 winners of the fourth wave of grant applications include 16 combatants and 23 family members of veterans. One of the winners received a grant of up to UAH 1 million, 33 received grants of up to UAH 500 thousand, and another 5 received grants of up to UAH 250 thousand.

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Most grant recipients are located in Vinnytsia, Volyn, and Lviv regions. Wholesale and retail trade, temporary accommodation and catering, and the processing industry are the most popular areas for business development among grant recipients. According to the program's terms, combatants or persons with war-related disabilities, as well as their spouses, are eligible to receive such grants:

  • up to UAH 250 thousand, up to UAH 500 thousand and up to UAH 1 million are granted to veterans provided that one, two and four jobs are created, respectively; 
  • up to UAH 250 thousand and up to UAH 500 thousand are granted to the second member of the veteran's family, provided that one and two jobs are created, respectively.

To receive a grant of UAH 500,000 to UAH 1 million, a veteran must have been a sole proprietor for at least three years. In addition, such a grant will be provided only if the recipient co-finances it in the ratio of 70/30, which means that he or she must invest 30% of his or her own funds, and the state will provide 70% in the form of a grant.


Almost 15,000 Ukrainian entrepreneurs have received UAH 3.5 billion in grant support from the state through the "Own Business" program to start or expand their businesses, creating more than 30,000 new jobs across the country. 

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