
Ukraine is expected to receive 500,000 artillery shells by the end of the year under the Czech initiative

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Ukraine is expected to receive 500,000 artillery shells by the end of 2024 as part of the Czech Republic's ammunition initiative, according to a joint statement following a meeting between Prime Minister Shmyhal and EU allies in Prague.

As part of the Czech Republic's ammunition supply initiative, Ukraine is expected to receive 500,000 artillery shells by the end of 2024. This is stated in a joint statement following a meeting between Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal and leaders of some EU allies in Prague, UNN reports citing Reuters.


The Czech Republic's initiative to speed up the delivery of ammunition to Ukraine has raised €1.6 billion, with the first shipments due in a few days, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala said Tuesday. He said before the meeting that the first deliveries under the initiative for supplies from outside the EU would take place in June.

"The first tens of thousands of 155 mm ammunition will be delivered in June," Fiala said. - "Ukraine can expect the first batch in the coming days.

Fiala said that the money raised so far has come from 15 EU and NATO members, without going into details.

Following the meeting, the leaders said in a joint statement that with current funding, they "expect to secure the donation of half a million pieces of artillery ammunition by the end of the year.

They added that they would continue this initiative as long as necessary.

The talks in Prague were attended by Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte, Prime Minister of Denmark Mette Frederiksen, Prime Minister of Latvia Eiks Ēviķis and President of Poland Andrzej Duda.

Шмигаль з лідерами ЄС у Празі обговорив постачання артилерійських боєприпасів, систем ППО, збільшення українського оборонного виробництва29.05.24, 04:40


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