
The White House has not yet confirmed whether Biden will attend the Peace Summit

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The US President's participation in next month's Peace Summit in Switzerland remains uncertain, as the White House has not confirmed whether he will be the only G7 leader to skip the event.

The participation of US President Joe Biden in the Peace Summit in Ukraine, which will be held in Switzerland on June 15-16, remains uncertain, as the White House has not yet confirmed whether he will attend the event. The comment was made by US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan during a briefing on May 22, UNN reports.


"I don't have any announcements on that today," Sullivan said in response to a question about whether the US president would attend next month's Peace Summit in Switzerland, as he would be the only G7 leader not to accept the invitation.

"What I will say is that I have been personally involved in the preparations for this summit, as have others in our government, and, you know, we have been a key player in helping to advance a vision of peace that includes Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and the principles of the UN Charter. [But I can't make any statements today about the president's trip," Sullivan said.

Швейцарія прийме Саміт миру в Україні 15-16 червня: розповіла про запрошених та мету конференції02.05.24, 13:24


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