Starting March 1, medicines are to become cheaper in Ukraine, but experts and market participants warn that the consequences of the new rules for regulating the pharmaceutical market may not be as positive as they seem at first glance. As stated in the story of "Breakfast with 1+1", the risks for the pharmaceutical sector are of concern to pharmacists and economists, UNN writes.
After the NSDC meeting, it was decided to reduce prices by 30% for the 100 most popular Ukrainian-made medicines, and the rest of the medicines should fall by 20%. It also introduced margin restrictions, for example, for suppliers and distributors - no more than 8%.
According to pharmacy workers, the new rules may cause some pharmacies to close, especially in small towns.
Economic expert Borys Kushniruk confirmed the pharmacists' fears.
As a rule, and this is the global experience, administrative restrictions are ineffective. Such price regulation by restricting markups will lead to the disappearance of certain types of medicines from pharmacy chains. Some pharmacy chains will start closing down because they will not be able to sustain profitability. This will further increase the monopolization of the market and, accordingly, the price may be much higher than it was now,
The Pharmacy Professional Association of Ukraine also warned that the restriction of margins could lead to a reduction in the range of medicines in pharmacies, and even a shortage of certain medicines. In turn, this opens up opportunities for illegal trafficking of medicines and the development of the shadow market.
The final consequences of the decisions will become clear after March 1, when the innovations will come into effect.
The Verkhovna Rada passed in the second reading the draft law No. 11493 on the regulation of the pharmaceutical market. In particular, one of the provisions is the establishment of a margin of 8% for distributors and representative offices of foreign pharmaceutical companies.
The European Business Association called on the President of Ukraine to veto the draft law passed by the Parliament due to concerns that the innovations could negatively affect the health of patients.
In its turn, the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine warnedthat the adopted Law #11493 on the regulation of the pharmaceutical market restricts competition and access to medicines, reduces the investment attractiveness of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical sector, and creates risks to the stability of the healthcare system.
Health Minister Viktor Lyashko did not rule out a possible reduction in the range of medicines in pharmacies after the law comes into force, which could affect the availability of medicines for Ukrainians.