
Scandinavian countries unite amid growing security threats from russia and are ready to confront the "shadow war"

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The Baltic states and Northern Europe have reaffirmed their unity against russia's "shadow war." Sweden joined NATO, and the Baltic prime ministers promised not to abandon their support for Ukraine despite moscow's intimidation.

The Baltic States and Northern Europe reaffirm their unity in the face of russia's "shadow war". CNN writes about it, UNN reports.


During a visit to Stockholm by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and the prime ministers of Denmark, Norway, Finland and Iceland, Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said that cooperation between the Nordic and Baltic countries is "deeper than ever in the modern world" because it is backed by growing security threats from russia.

The meeting focused on security policy and the July NATO summit in Washington.

We have long valued our neighbors, but at the same time underestimated the importance of concrete, operational cooperation

- Kristersson said in his article in the Swedish business newspaper Dagens Industri.

Meanwhile, the three Baltic prime ministers met in Lithuania to reaffirm that moscow's intimidation will not force them to abandon their support for Ukraine.

Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas said that russia has intensified its shadow war against all European countries.

It wants to really scare and intimidate the free world to scare us away from helping Ukraine. We must not be afraid

- She said.

The publication reminds that by joining NATO, Sweden has rejected more than two centuries of historical neutrality. The Baltic Sea, which includes maritime access to the russian city of St. Petersburg and the Kaliningrad enclave, is now almost surrounded by NATO members.

рф не має ні наміру, ні можливості напасти на будь-яку країну НАТО - заступник генсекретаря Альянсу 11.05.24, 18:58


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