
One enemy Russian ship without cruise missiles is in the Black Sea

 • 54361 переглядiв

One enemy ship, which is not a Kalibr carrier, is on combat duty in the Black Sea. This is stated in the operational information of the Navy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of 6:00 on 23.09.2024, UNN reports.

There is 1 enemy ship in the Black Sea, no Kalibr cruise missile carriers; no enemy ships in the Sea of Azov,

- the Ukrainian Navy informs.


It is noted that there is one enemy ship in the Mediterranean Sea, which is a carrier of Kalibr cruise missiles with a total volley of up to 16 missiles.

In addition, during the day, in the interests of the Russian Federation, the following vessels passed through the Kerch Strait: 4 vessels to the Black Sea, 4 of which continued to move towards the Bosphorus; 5 vessels to the Azov Sea, 4 of which were moving from the Bosphorus.

Справжній форпост у Чорному морі: прикордонники показали, який вигляд сьогодні має острів Зміїний20.09.24, 15:57


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