
Nuclear exercises launched in Russia: what is known

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The Russian Defense Ministry said that the personnel of the aviation units of the Russian Aerospace Forces involved in the training are working out the equipment of special combat units of aviation weapons, including aerobalistic hypersonic Kinzhal missiles, and flights to designated patrol areas.

Exercises on the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons have begun in Russia. The corresponding statement was issued by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, reports UNN.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the first stage of training with practical development of issues related to the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons has begun in the Southern Military District.

"As part of this stage, the personnel of the missile formations of the Southern Military District are working out combat training tasks for obtaining special ammunition for the Iskander operational-tactical missile system, equipping them with launch vehicles and secretly moving them to the designated position area to prepare for missile launches, "the report says.

У кремлі заявили, що ядерні навчання рф є відповіддю на заяви Заходу щодо введення військ в Україну06.05.24, 13:29

The Russian Defense Ministry added that the personnel of the Russian Aerospace Forces Aviation units involved in the training are working out the equipment of special combat units of aviation weapons, including aerobalistic hypersonic Kinzhal missiles, and flights to designated patrol areas.

"... the exercise is aimed at maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment of units of combat use of non - strategic nuclear weapons to respond and in order to unconditionally ensure the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Russian state in response to provocative statements and threats from certain Western officials against the Russian Federation," the Russian Defense Ministry added.


Dmitry Peskov, a spokesman for dictator Vladimir Putin, said that the exercises of the Russian Armed Forces on tactical nuclear weapons are connected with Western statements about sending Western troops to Ukraine.

Commenting on the upcoming exercises, Peskov noted that "an unprecedented round of tension in Ukraine"  requires a response from Russia.

Earlier it was reported that the General Staff of Russia began preparations for conducting exercises in the near future  on the practical development of the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons.


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