
Germany sends two warships amid tensions between China and Taiwan

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Germany is sending two warships to the Indo-Pacific region amid rising tensions between China and Taiwan over freedom of navigation and trade routes.

Germany is trying to increase its military presence in the South Sea region amid rising tensions between China and Taiwan, which threatens commercial shipping. On Tuesday, Germany sent two warships to the Indo-Pacific region, UNN reports with reference to Reuters.

On Tuesday, Germany sent two warships to the Indo-Pacific region. The decision was made in view of the tensions between China and Taiwan, which puts pressure on freedom of navigation and free passage on trade routes. This was stated by Defense Minister Boris Pistorius at the northern German naval base in Wilhelmshaven.

"Looking on the other hand, not showing a presence in the Indo-Pacific in support of the international rules-based order is not an option for Germany. Presence matters," he told reporters.


Beijing considers almost all of the South China Sea to be its property, despite an international tribunal's ruling that Beijing has no legal basis for these claims. In addition, China also claims Taiwan as its territory, despite the latter's strong objections.

Після обговорення війни рф в України і питань економіки, Макрон та Сі пообідали на висоті 2150 метрів08.05.24, 10:13


The German ships will pass through the South China Sea. There is currently no information on whether they will also pass through the Taiwan Strait, as the United States ships did.


In 2021, a German warship entered the South China Sea for the first time in nearly 20 years, joining other Western countries in expanding their military presence in the region amid concerns about China's territorial ambitions.

Філіппіни викликають посла Китаю після застосування водометів проти філіппінських катерів у Південно-Китайському морі02.05.24, 17:21


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